Steam Powered Scoundrels: A Malifaux Podcast
Steam Powered Scoundrels is a podcast about the tabletop skirmish game, Malifaux. Your hosts are Victoria, Doug, Roman, Nate, Eli and a whole slew of guests. Sit and stay a while as we entertain your ears with the most interesting Malifaux content this side of the Breach.
Saturday Feb 15, 2020
Steam Powered Scoundrels Episode 18 - When in Roman's
Saturday Feb 15, 2020
Saturday Feb 15, 2020
In this episode Doug, Roman, Nate, and Eli all discuss their games at the IndyStorm Malifaux Tournament as well as go over their impressions of the format (combined Bans and Too Many Secrets).
Friday Feb 07, 2020
Friday Night Faux-Down - 02/06/2020 - The Nelliesode
Friday Feb 07, 2020
Friday Feb 07, 2020
So I normally note when we are particularly offensive in some category, but in this episode all four of us (Doug, Roman, Nate, and Eli) Are slightly drunk. SO, we use a lot of swears, and make a lot of unclean jokes. And sometimes we even sing loudly. I've cleaned it up as best as I can but I know some of you won't enjoy the increased volume and propensity for us to talk over each other. HOWEVER, we are pretty darn funny. If I haven't scared you off, you'll enjoy this one.
Topics Tonight:
Which henchman is most likely to 'off' their master and claim their place?
your favorite master is accused of a crime and has to lay low and join another faction under a false identity so people don't realize it's them, which faction do they join and what's their new identity?
What is your headcanon rivalry between masters and why?
Pseudo dream job: Wyrd says they want to hire you. What's the job and why?
Suggest a new model that has two keywords from different factions. (Ex: Iggy - Woe, Wildfire)
Friday Jan 24, 2020
Steam Powered Scoundrels - Hobby Primer: Assembly
Friday Jan 24, 2020
Friday Jan 24, 2020
Hey folks. Short episode here. Thought I'd dedicate myself to YET ANOTHER series by doing a primer on assembling models. Decent listen for anyone into miniatures but especially good for new people to the hobby.
Check out our Discord here: Steam Powered Scoundrels Discord
Friday Jan 10, 2020
Steam Powered Scoundrels Episode 17 - Engorged Johnny
Friday Jan 10, 2020
Friday Jan 10, 2020
How do you like the new and improved publication schedule? In this episode Doug, Victoria, Roman, Nate, and Eli present our ideas for unmade Dual Faction Masters and Keywords (thank you Craig for the suggestion!). I do apologize as I screwed up recording and you can only hear Roman, Nate, and Eli through the speakers on my laptop! You can still understand everyone, though. I promise I'll be smarter next time.Check out our Discord here: Steam Powered Scoundrels Discord
Tuesday Dec 24, 2019
Friday Night Faux-Down - 12/24/19 - Merry Krampus
Tuesday Dec 24, 2019
Tuesday Dec 24, 2019
WARNING! We talk about adult things in this episode! Not for the ears of the innocent!
Hey I'm JUST getting this in an hour before Christmas (so this still qualifies as a holiday episode). We welcome the return of Victoria, Nate, and Roman, as well as say hi to Eli our newest stooge. It's our typical Scoundrel shenanigans with a few festive topics tossed in. Enjoy!JOIN OUR DISCORD -
Topics Tonight:1. Which characters would make for the best after school cartoons?
2. All eight factions decide that for 24 hours they'd declare a 'Christmas Truce'. What characters do you most want to see have a story about them interacting during the truce?
3. Every faction has a group chat/discord server. Who is the shitposter?
4. Design a holiday-themed crew box
5. What is now the biggest thing you want addressed in the fluff?
6. Say something nice about a faction/master you hate
7. Secret Santa?
Saturday Dec 14, 2019
Steam Powered Scoundrels - M3E Bayou Primer
Saturday Dec 14, 2019
Saturday Dec 14, 2019
Welcome to possibly the most cursed episode we've ever produced. It took us FOREVER to finally finish this one. This is our second faction primer, this time we head to the Bayou. This episode is going over the general themes, both story-wise and gameplay-wise, of each keword and model in the faction. We hope to provide a little help to those looking for a place to start when they decide to play the game.
Check out our Discord here: Steam Powered Scoundrels Discord
If you're brand new to Malifaux, check out Schemes & Stones 'Welcome to Malifaux' episode: Welcome to Malifaux
Wednesday Nov 20, 2019
Steam Powered Scoundrels Episode 16 - Feed It Children
Wednesday Nov 20, 2019
Wednesday Nov 20, 2019
Here comes our version of the Faux Moines and the Mystery of the Paddleboat Massacre! recap. We've got the magnificent TO Doug to talk about running the show, along with two new guests: Ben and Nate (not that one). These two will recap their rounds for you, ending with a round 3 fight between the two of them, ENJOY!
Tournament Stats
Join our Discord!
Thursday Oct 24, 2019
Steam Powered Scoundrels Episode 15 - Spoonmen
Thursday Oct 24, 2019
Thursday Oct 24, 2019
We decided to be lazy and copy Kyle Stones and Brien Schemes! The Scoundrels go over the most recent Des Moines Tournament, One Fallow Night. Instead of bringing 1st and 2nd place to the table, I'm bringing the Wooden Spoon and Honorary Wooden Spoon. Join Doug, Dave, and new guy Eric as they cover what they played and what they learned at One Fallow Night.Tournament Stats: our Discord!:
Friday Aug 16, 2019
Friday Night Faux-Down! - 8/16/2019 - The Fun One
Friday Aug 16, 2019
Friday Aug 16, 2019
WARNING! We talk about adult things in this episode! Not for the ears of the innocent!Hey it's another Friday Night Faux-Down! It's been a while and boy did we miss it. Our guests tonight are Victoria, Roman, and Nate. We get through exactly ONE serious topic before devolving into our typical nonsense. Enjoy listening to part of Doug's soul dying while everyone laughs at him!JOIN OUR DISCORD -
Topics Tonight:
1. What is one Ability/Action/Combination/etc in M3E that YOU PERSONALLY benefit from that you think needs toned down?
2. You've just opened up a Malifaux-Themed bar, describe your signature cocktail.
3. Pick a character. What is their favorite food and why?
4. What is a secret talent/skill of someone in your faction?
5. Bed Wed Behead - Round 2
Saturday Jun 29, 2019
Steam Powered Scoundrels - M3E Arcanist Primer
Saturday Jun 29, 2019
Saturday Jun 29, 2019
Hey! Going to do our little service to the community and try and actually talk about the actual gameplay part of the game! This episode is going over the general themes, both story-wise and gameplay-wise, of each keword and model in the faction. We hope to provide a little help to those looking for a place to start when they decide to play the game.
Check out our Discord here: Steam Powered Scoundrels Discord
Before listening, check out Schemes & Stones 'Welcome to Malifaux' episode: Welcome to Malifaux