Steam Powered Scoundrels: A Malifaux Podcast
Steam Powered Scoundrels is a podcast about the tabletop skirmish game, Malifaux. Your hosts are Victoria, Doug, Roman, Nate, Eli and a whole slew of guests. Sit and stay a while as we entertain your ears with the most interesting Malifaux content this side of the Breach.

Sunday May 08, 2022
Steam Powered Scoundrels #48 - Excel P*rn 2.0
Sunday May 08, 2022
Sunday May 08, 2022
Follow-up episode! You get more of that juicy naughty math and statistics with Doug, Cole, Mike, Brien, and Reed. This time we cover Strat scoring breakdown, unused masters, and the odd cases of Guild and Resser title master data.
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Saturday Apr 23, 2022
Steam Powered Scoundrels #47 - Excel P*rn
Saturday Apr 23, 2022
Saturday Apr 23, 2022
Bringing you proof right here that Steam Powered Scoundrels can be serious on occasion. In this episode Doug, Cole, Mike, Brien and special guest Reed as we go over Reed's data of the past 6 months of the vassal league. This is one heckuva episode with a lot of interesting facts and surprises that deserves (and will get) a follow-up episode. Enjoy!
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Friday Apr 08, 2022
Steam Powered Scoundrels #46 - Scoundrels 101
Friday Apr 08, 2022
Friday Apr 08, 2022
Don't be late for class! Scoundrel school is back in session with the most class we'll ever have (ba-dum tiss), course 101: Introduction to Steam Powered Comedy. We'd gotten some feedback that our in-jokes were hard to appreciate for new listeners, so this is a good jumping-on point for folks who'd like to better understand our scoundrel-y ways. Special thanks to Doug Bowman of for making a spiffy 3D-printable Treasure Pile for Bonanza Brawl, and a lot of other cool terrain. Take a look!
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Monday Mar 28, 2022
Malifaux Port Authority Epsiode 4 - Undead Lesbians Club
Monday Mar 28, 2022
Monday Mar 28, 2022
First, big 'Thank You' to Joe for helping with this edit! Second, Kimberly had to use a less-than-ideal microphone. She's understandable but it can be hard at times. Hello! We now have an official name for this format! Join Vic, Monica, Kimberly, and Doug the IT Guy as they finally tackle the sexy sexy topic of 'Gay Subtext in Malifaux fluff'.
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Friday Mar 11, 2022
Steam Powered Scoundrels #45 - Steam Powered Centennial
Friday Mar 11, 2022
Friday Mar 11, 2022
100! (one hundred! (C!)) episodes done! Dang. You're welcome. For this victory lap, the regular five Scoundrels got some special guests on (of their own volition, even) that go by 'Kyle' and 'Matt'. We roped the devs into this episode to talk about the newly released board games from Wyrd: Bayou Bash and Vagrantsong.
Vagrantsong Playlist
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Friday Feb 25, 2022
Friday Feb 25, 2022
We're back with our most steam-powered takes regarding the 2022 February errata.
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Saturday Feb 12, 2022
Friday Night Faux-Down! - 2/12/22 - Put on the Dress
Saturday Feb 12, 2022
Saturday Feb 12, 2022
It's Friday Night Faux-Down! Sit down for your bi-weekly dose of Guild-ordered propaganda and listen to the soothing sounds of 7 people talking about butts! Join Doug, Victoria, Roman, Nate, Benn, Jeff, and Cole in this packed episode. I apologize but we had some uncharacteristic issues with Romans audio. ALSO! Come join us for the 100th episode celebration tournament taking place in Des Moines on 3-12!
1. Tis the season! Give us the synopsis of a new Malifaux Hallmark Christmas Movie.
2. Choose a master. What would their "Florida Man/ Woman" news headline be?
3. Create a new jockey for the Bayou Bash Board Game. Describe them and their playstyle.
4. Bed/Wed/Behead: Title Master box edition
5. Forget the Crossroad 7 exist for a second and make the perfect band out of characters?
6. Best/Worst butt in Explorers Society.
7. A true neutral clone of your favorite master replaces the original. How long does it take for the rest of the cast to notice the difference?
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Monday Jan 31, 2022
Steam Powered Scoundrels #43 - You Have SteamPowered Scoundrels at Home...?
Monday Jan 31, 2022
Monday Jan 31, 2022
An episode so secret even Doug and Victoria don't know what's on it! The rest of the Scoundrels find themselves the...guests...of "adoring fans" as a big thank you for all Doug and Victoria do! We just hope the rest of the Scoundrels are alright...

Monday Jan 17, 2022
Monday Jan 17, 2022
It's still 2021, right? Sorry about the late episode but we decided to REALLY enjoy our holiday breaks. Here's our recap of 2021 for both ourselves and Wyrd, as well as our hopes and dreams for the year 2022. Your hosts are the usual suspects of Doug, Victoria, Nate, Eli, and Roman.
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Saturday Dec 18, 2021
Friday Night Faux-Down! - 12/17/21 - Malifaux Nativity Scene
Saturday Dec 18, 2021
Saturday Dec 18, 2021
It's been three months, finally time to bring back the podcast equivalent of a Malifaux sh*tpost. Friday Night Faux-Down! returns for blood with a bunch more inane topics that don't matter! Join Doug, Vic, Roman, Eli, Nate and Rob (of Game Store Dropouts fame) as we gift you with this early holiday present.
1. What real-world musician could find themselves in Malifaux and do well in the setting? What new abilities (if any) would they have?
2. The 9th faction will be made out of American cartoon characters. Each person gets to pick a Master & Keyword for the new faction. - Bonus Question: Who dual factions into Cartoon faction? - Alternatively, each master is dual faction with a different faction. Who’s the cartoon master and what’s their second faction?
3. Gremlin-ize one master. Next player must explain how it would change the lore/power dynamic of the faction.
4. Steam Powered Scoundrels Wave 2 is coming. Give the next/last person their new Title.
5. What Malifaux master/character would you make the godparent of your child?
6. The podcast starts up a new recurring series led by you, what is the series about?
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